Geographical Computation

04. OnClick Points

OnClick Points

Okay so now we are able have a map and we have our SVG Paths for our markers, now what we need is where to put these markers. Now what we could do is to get the latitude and longitude of each point using google maps or something like that but we already have our own map so we can use that to make is a bit easier. So at the moment your script.js file should look like this;

], function(
    // Make a new map in our div container
    let map = new Map("map-container", {
        basemap: "hybrid",
        center: [-6.5965, 53.3819],
        zoom: 16

What we want to do first is add in one of our SVG Paths to use and then we will also need to import a few new things to do all this like so;

], function(
    Map, SimpleMarkerSymbol, Graphic
    let flowerPath = "M128 0Q186.778525 47.098301 158.564833 85.931116Q186.778525 47.098301 249.735234 88.445825Q223.105652 158.901699 177.454939 144.068884Q223.105652 158.901699 203.236512 231.554175Q128 228 128 180Q128 228 52.763488 231.554175Q32.894348 158.901699 78.545061 144.068884Q32.894348 158.901699 6.264766 88.445825Q69.221475 47.098301 97.435167 85.931116Q69.221475 47.098301 128 0Q186.778525 47.098301 158.564833 85.931116z";
    // Make a new map in our div container
    let map = new Map("map-container", {
        basemap: "hybrid",
        center: [-6.5965, 53.3819],
        zoom: 16

Now that we have that done we are going to set up a method to put our svg path on the map where we click and also print the point to the console so we can add them into the code.

], function(
    Map, SimpleMarkerSymbol, Graphic
    let flowerPath = "M128 0Q186.778525 47.098301 158.564833 85.931116Q186.778525 47.098301 249.735234 88.445825Q223.105652 158.901699 177.454939 144.068884Q223.105652 158.901699 203.236512 231.554175Q128 228 128 180Q128 228 52.763488 231.554175Q32.894348 158.901699 78.545061 144.068884Q32.894348 158.901699 6.264766 88.445825Q69.221475 47.098301 97.435167 85.931116Q69.221475 47.098301 128 0Q186.778525 47.098301 158.564833 85.931116z";
    // Make a new map in our div container
    let map = new Map("map-container", {
        basemap: "hybrid",
        center: [-6.5965, 53.3819],
        zoom: 16

    // Onclick to plot our points
    map.on("click", function(e) {
        let markerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol();
        markerSymbol.setColor(new dojo.Color("#fc60b1"));
        let gr = new Graphic(e.mapPoint, markerSymbol);;



Created by: John Yeomans