Gaming in Unity

04. Unity - Hotkeys & Common Terminology


Tool Hotkey Description
Hand Tool Q Move your scene around in the view.
Move Tool W Select GameObjects and move them individually.
Rotate Tool E Select GameObjects and rotate them.
Scale Tool R Scale GameObjects up and down.
Rect Transform Tool T Combines moving, scaling, and rotation into a single tool, used for 2D.
Rotate, Move, or Scale Y Combines moving, scaling, and rotation into a single tool, used for 3D.


Hotkey Description
Ctrl + Shift + N New empty GameObject.
Alt + Shift + N New empty child to selected GameObject.
Ctrl + Alt + F Move to view.
Ctrl + Shift + F Align with view.
Shift + F Locks scene view camera to selected GameObject.


Hotkey Description
Ctrl + 1 Scene
Ctrl + 2 Game
Ctrl + 3 Inspector
Ctrl + 4 Hierarchy
Ctrl + 5 Project
Ctrl + 6 Animation
Ctrl + 7 Profiler
Ctrl + 9 Asset store
Ctrl + 0 Version control
Ctrl + Shift + C Console


Hotkey Description
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y (Windows only) Redo
Cmd + Shift + Z (Mac only) Redo
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + D Duplicate
Shift + Del Delete
F Centre selection
Ctrl + F Find
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + P Play
Ctrl + Shift + P Pause
Ctrl + Alt + P Step

Constructed in consultation with Unity documentation.

Common Unity Terminology

Term Definition
AI Artificial intelligence, in-game entity whose functionality is dependent on code rather than human input.
Asset Anything that goes into a game – characters, objects, sound effects, maps etc.
Asset Store A Unity website that allows you to download premade assets to use in your game.
Bug Any issue that makes a game unstable or unplayable.
C Sharp (C#) The coding language used to create scripts in Unity.
Code Computer language for creating software. Unity uses C# for coding games.
Component Attached to a GameObject to alter its functionality.
Editor Unity’s dashboard.
Event An action completed through user input. For example, pressing a button.
Game Engine A suite of tools that game developers use to build their games.
GameObject Fundamental object in Unity, can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras etc.
Hitbox Invisible object created around a GameObject that determines where collision with other objects will occur.
Instance A specific version of a GameObject created from a template.
Mechanics Functions, rules, and outcomes that define a game.
Model 3D asset in a video game.
Prefab Customised, reusable version of a GameObject.
Prop Interactive object in a game.
Rigidbody Component that lets a GameObject react to its environment (physics, weight etc.)
Scene Area in which a game is built. A level.
Scripting Another word for coding.
Sprite Images, often used as 2D GameObjects.
Tile Image used to create other, bigger images (such as a platform) in a 2D game.
UI/GUI User interface / graphical user interface. Menus, inventories, health bar etc.
UX User experience (ensuring everything is user-friendly)

Constructed in consultation with Unity documentation.

Created by: David Corish